Category: Software Testing

Defect Severity Levels

As we discussed that severity is a degree to measure the impact of defect/bug on system. There are certain level has been set to define or categorize this degree.

When the bug is going to be log we can assign these level (degree) on the basis of impact. The categories are – (more…)

What is Severity and Priority

Severity & Priority – Defect Parameters

Defect tracking process is very important for a quality product so instead of a defect tracking an effective defect tracking is needed. It is possible by applying/implementing the best practices in this process. As we read in defect template that apart from the defect description there are so many other important attributes or parameters needs to be reported with the defect when it is logged or reported.

Severity and Priority are two different important parameters for defect reporting/tracking.


Defect Reporting or Tracking using own template

Defect Tracking Using own Template –

Since there is no problem in managing the defect in some doc like Excel, but some time it becomes problematic to manage all defect with the proper status and track them time to time if the system or Defect count is huge.
But If the product is small and simple than there is no problem in using the own excel template and managing it as well.It can be done by simply creating an excel and setting the required parameters to be set or define for the defect reporting.


Cost of Defect

What is Cost of Defect

Defect cost is not just only the no of defect raised. Defect finding and reporting is first stage only it takes several effort to locate failure, Reproducing, Fixing and Retesting of a unit that is fixed and as well as testing the system to check the impact of fixed module on other untouched modules.
