What is Defect/Bug Life Cycle and Defect/Bug Tracking Tools

We already know that what is Defect/Bug and from where it arises. So as we know that “The Testing is a process with the intent of finding bug in the software/system/application”.

  1. A role of a Tester is not just limited to find the Bug, It (Bug) has to be raised/reported and get fixed as well.
  2. Tester’s responsibility is to provide a bug free system and to fulfill the goal the fixed Bug or issues should be re-verified and retested  as well with the testing of impact on other unmodified areas.
  1. Once the defect is raised/reported by tester it goes to many stages where the status of Bug gets change so it follows a life cycle.
  2. So the tester is not only responsible for Defect raising but also for the tracking of defect as well.

What is Bug or Defect Life Cycle and Defect/Bug Tracking Tools 

  • When a defect is raised it should get fixed and closed better to say that reach its destination. Before going to finish/closed state/stage there is a cycle that a defect follows, it is called as the Defect Life Cycle.
  • It is nothing but the journey of a defect/Bug from the identification to closure/destination.
  • There are many tools available to track the defect’s all state or life cycle of defect, called Defect/Bug tracking tools.
  • The life cycle of a bug/defect varies from project to project, organisation to organisation and it also depends on software testing process set followed as well as the tool being used for defect/bug tracking.

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